June, 24th 2012 ago was my 15th birthday :)
And you know what ? Yang pertama ngucapin happy birthday tepat jam 00.00 itu Dita ! I'am happy of course, but I'm also sad :( Karena, 2 hari sebelumnya, Dita mengabarkan berita mengejutkan yang sangat mendadak ! Dita yang dari awal-awal bilang bakal tetap lanjut sekolah di p.reba, karena ibunya nggak ngizinin dia sekolah jauh-jauh. But, that day she tells me she will go to Sukabumi. Dia sekolah disana ! How a big surprise that was -, Ahh, tapi nggak boleh berlarut-larut :) It's all the best for Dita, right ? :)
Back to the topic, that was a special day for me of course. So thanks to you all, who have made that day be special :) By the way, I've got "special gift" from mai Deng, kak Rina, & Najwa ._. Hahahaha :D You don't have to know what is that :p
This my special rainbow bithday cake :D |